Friday, 9 November 2012

Partying in a digital age, whilst raising children with Victorian values.

My Blog this week is slightly off subject, I have over the last two weekends enjoyed the social asspects of University life, being slightly more 'mature' in age than most of my colleagues I have a very different take on going out. 

Firstly when I went out in the 90’s (yes I know that was plenty years ago) we partied like crazy... stayed out till the sun came up and then ended up at a psychedelic house party with a bunch of hippy stoned students most of which nobody recognised.

More importantly in my day, what happened on a night out stayed on a night out... if somebody credulously  brought out a disposable camera (and there was always one) it either it got lost, didn't work very well or never got developed. However, now days the night out gets posted on a social networking site before you even get home. So it really is not a good idea to drink that much you don’t know what you are doing because there is guaranteed to  be a camera pointing at you at the most inopportune moment.

Although one positive point of growing up in an era before digital/instant cameras was that the price of developing photo’s ensured that you learned how to act when a camera was pointed at you. Basically in my case as my mum loved her photos and it became natural reaction... see camera....  pull tummy in, eyes big and smile and as you get older chin up to hide the wrinkles,  this advise will save you from most of the really awful pictures your friends will upload. Also DON'T pout... it is not attractive and you NEVER look like one of those seductive models on the top-shelf magazines.

However learning to pose when a camera is pointed at you does make you come across as a total poser who is completely in-love with themselves... I am going to have to learn that candid photos are good and maybe it is a matter of tummy in and chin out at all times... or even easier learn to avoid the damn camera... NAH!!!!!

Now onto my next subject my children... 

This week it has become apparent that I may have failed as a single parent to instil the values I hold dear in my beautiful daughters.

My values:

  • A woman does not require a man to keep her, complete her or define her. A partnership is one of equal values and has its benefits. However not being in a relationship does not diminish the strength of either person.
  • You can achieve whatever you want to achieve regardless of your situation, I will create a better life for myself and for my daughters despite being on my own and having responsibilities.

Bearing these in mind you can imagine how I felt when my daughters came out with these coments this week...

Alexia Age 4
Alexia: Mummy can I find you a boyfriend? 
Me: Why do I need a boyfriend?
Alexia: All girls need a boyfriend.

Abigail Age 7
Abigail: Mummy I preferred it before you went to University
Me: Why is that?
Abigail: Because you were always home and actually remembered you had children

So firstly my 4 year old wants me shacked up and my 7 year old want me at home... Where did I go so wrong!

What do I make of these... well I explained to my baby that I am not fussed about a boyfriend and reminded my 7 year old that she has expensive taste and as a result I need to study and get a good job... However gob smacked was not the word for how I felt.

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