Friday 16 November 2012

Me and My Inner Geek

I am finding as of late that I am spending quite a lot of time with my Inner Geek, back in the day BC (before children) I used to be well acquainted with said Inner Geek. However over the years (7 of them) I have learned that people would rather discuss the sleeping and feeding habits of tiny people, so I stepped away from episodes of Star Trek and watched the likes of Peppa Pig instead, I quelled my need to talk technical to all my friends because they all quickly glazed over, and apparently resistance was not futile...

I knew my Geek was still in there somewhere as I make a GREAT cyber stalker (Angie & Jo you know what I'm talking about) and  I enjoy it a little to much -yes I am sat here stroking my virtual white cat in my super cool virtual villain chair "Mwahh hahaha"- I also make a MEAN interactive spread sheet.... OK maybe these are not redeeming qualities but I was having withdrawal.

Now however my (not so) Inner Geek is in HEAVEN... "I'm in heaven.... and my heart beat...." Frank was great wasn't he? anyway I am loving getting stuck into a JAVA problems, coming up with ways to make my programs do what I want them to do and I get satisfaction from converting decimals to  floating point binary. We have been given some of first assignments to do (I am so excited)... at this stage I would like my 'non technical readers who are currently phoning the nearest loony bin to come get me' to remember that I have been writing essays for psychology for the last 3 years that were based completely on the opinion of puffed up theorists.

Back to my assignments, I get to do a report on virtual reality AWESOME (this needs to be said with the same tone Rhino uses in Disneys BOLT - you tube it!) I am over awed and often disturbed at what can be achieved through VR and have imagined a world where we will be able to step into a pod, interact with virtual people in other pods regardless of where they actually are... takes face time to a whole new level doesn't it. Plus from a parenting point of view virtual dating could hugely decrease teenage pregnancy rates ;o).

My next assignment involves the building of a game where a robot picks up and deposits a bomb in a brick building, then testing the programme to see if I can break it... HOW COOL. seriously beats writing a stuffy essay any day.


I am going to the gadget show in LONDON baby.... all in the name of research obviously. WHOOP WHOOP.

BTW if you were concerned about the assimilation prospects... it would seem ABI is turning into a GEEK just like her Mummy... I am so proud!!!!

On a final and very IMPORTANT note I forgot to mention I am going to see TWILIGHT tomorrow night :o) SUPURB... GO team Jakeward (YES I can't actually choose)....

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