Saturday 24 November 2012

One 4 All and All 4 One

In this day and age I often wonder if the concept of family values still exist. I wonder what kind of world I have brought my children into. We have wars and unspeakable crimes happening all over the world on a daily basis but what we don't hear much about is the occasions when people pull together when is a time of crisis the kindness of others shines like a beacon in the darkness, yet again I am amazed by my family (immediate and extended) and I'd like to think that we are not that different from other people and their families.

Quick explanation my dad has taken ill, and we pull together. within 24 hours of knowing my beautiful best friend took my children added them to her own (who are also my nephew and niece) and sent me and my brother off to London. My little brother brought my Nan up and together we were there when he came out of surgery. But not only is this act of family solidarity amazing but my Mum's family from South Africa and New Zealand have called numerous times on my Mums mobile which is not only thoughtful but expensive.

Other than this I have an extended (adopted) family of siblings. People that see my parents pretty much as close to their own as they can... and in times that me and my brothers cant be here they are. So Matius + Soli and Frida + Bryan remember you will always be my family. My family are like licorice all sorts anyway, so what difference does a few more oddities make.  :o)

so in the belief that my family is not that unique, humanity that is inherently good and kind must be more prevalent than what we see on the news. There must be more good in the world than what is portrayed in the papers and for that I am thankful, and through this I pray that we are paving a better future for generations to come.

Just before all this happened I read a very little write up...

Basically it was about a professor filled a Jar with golf balls till no more fitted, he asked his class if it was full. they agreed. He then added marbles to the jar, this filled in some gaps, again he asked the class if it was full and again they agreed. Then he filled the jar with sand filling in the spaces between the golf balls and marbles and again he asked the class if it was full and this time they said it definitely was. Lastly he poured the contents of two bottles of beer into the jar and finally it really was full.

His explanation was, the jar is your life. The golf balls are the people in your life your friends and your family as well as the things that make you really happy. The marbles are the other bits your job, your hobbies your house your car etc. The sand was everything else. the stuff that just fills up our spare time. A student asked what the beers were, he answered that no matter what you can always make time to have a beer with a friend. Basically the point was if you filled the jar with sand first nothing else would fit in... THINK ABOUT IT.

With all this in mind I have come to the decision, that no matter what family and friends come first, be there for others, stop and think about what you can do to make life easier for somebody else, even if it is just a text to say hello, you never know when that is exactly what they need. Give hugs when you want to and tell those close to you, that you love them. say the things that need to be said. Make sure you live your life in happiness not just your own but for the happiness of others too, and lets continue to teach our future generations compassion and empathy who knows we may get a step closer to living in peace.

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